Golden Visa Latvia 2024 Statistics

The Golden Visa Latvia is not only the most affordable EU residency by investment option but also a pathway to Latvia citizenship. Latvia is a Baltic state that shares land border with Belarus and Russia and maritime border with Sweden. After price rise of CBI countries to a minimum of $200,000 and European RBI programs, Latvia residency by investment is the most affordable option in 2024 that starts from €50,000 only.

Golden Visa Latvia – What are Statistics As of 2024?

Golden Visa of Latvia dates back to 2010 and was the most popular option at that time with thousands of applicants try their luck to get Latvia residency by investment. 2013 and 2014 was the famous year when 1647 and 2395 golden visa applications were approved and then the demand for Latvia residency declined as data shows only 53 approvals in 2020.

However, the statistics are showing low demand for as 91 applications were approved in 2021, 79 applications in 2022 and 47 approvals in 2023. The decline of demand during 2022 and 2023 is lined with ban of Russians and Belarussian nationals by Latvian government.

The reason for low demand is associated with low cost of Caribbean citizenship programs where applicants were granted directly citizenship with family members with just $100,000. Now with sky rocketing prices of citizenship and residency programs, Golden Visa of Latvia is in limelight again. 30 applications have already been approved during first half of 2024 which means by year end, approvals may increase than preceding year.

Why to Get Golden Visa of Latvia

The golden Visa of Latvia is an attractive investment option that grants EU residency within 3 months. The low investment requirements made the program valuable where you have to invest €50,000 in business formation. Upon approval, you can relocate to Latvia with family and which opens door of Schengen states for you and your family. For first 5 years, you get the temporary Latvian residency and then permanent residency for 5 years. After 10 years of residency in Latvia, you can apply for Latvian citizenship.

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I am Zubair Zain, a Tourism & Hospitaliaty Graduate who choose to be an immigration writer with experience across diverse domains. My Area of experties include residency by investment, citizenship by investment, golden visa programs, dual nationliaty, digital nomad visa and investment opportunities. With 12 years of experience, I've helped readers to get latest knowledge to understand what's going on in Immigration world.

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