poor passport rank

Pakistani Passport Rank Slipped to 103rd

Pakistani Passport Rank Slipped to 103rd Position Out of 106

Passport is a powerful tool that decide how easily its holder can travel to important countries. Henley Passport Index 2024 report was issued in mid of the year, and rank Pakistani passport at 102nd position. In November 2024, Henley updated the Passport ranking that shows Pakistani passport slipped one further position to 103 out of 106 passport rankings.

Impact of Passport Rank on Global Travelling

Pakistan is an important country in world however Pakistani passport is one of the weakest one with limited travel freedom. As per the 2024 Passport Ranking by Henley Global, Pakistani Passport down 1 position further from 102nd to 103rd. Pakistani passport is even weaker than African countries including Sudan Passport 97th position, Irani passport 96th position, Ethiopian passport 94th position, Mozambique passport 78th position and Zimbabwe passport 77th position.

Pakistan Passport Visa Free Countries

travel mobility
Pakistan passport Visa Free or Visa on Arrival Countries:

  1. Barbados

2. Burundi

3. Cambodia

4. Cape Verde Islands

5. Comoro Islands

6. Cook Islands

7. Djibouti

8. Dominica

9. Guinea-Bissau

10. Haiti

11. Kenya

12. Madagascar

13. Maldives

14. Mauritania

15. Micronesia

16. Montserrat

17. Mozambique

18. Nepal

19. Niue

20. Palau Islands

21. Qatar

22. Rwanda

23. Samoa

24. Senegal

25. Seychelles

26. Sierra Leone

27. Somalia

28. Sri Lanka

29. Vincent and the Grenadines

30. Timor-Leste

31. Trinidad and Tobago

32. Tuvalu

33. Vanuatu

Get a Powerful Passport for Travel Mobility

In this scenario, getting a powerful second passport with visa free access is a contemporary solution for frequent flyers especially for entrepreneurs, industrialists and businessmen. You can buy a second passport that offer visa free travel or visa on arrival for important countries where your business interests are.

How to Get Second Passport?

There are two options to get a second passport, i.e. citizenship by investment and residency by investment. CBI programs require donation or investment in real estate of a country and in return investors get citizenship and passport. Currently, Caribbean countries are most in demand for their citizenship programs and are most affordable citizenship options.

Residency by investment includes European countries where non-EU citizens get European residency leading to citizenship. Initially, investors get travel freedom to 29 Schengen states only while those who get citizenship get one of the strongest passports. Typically, a passport from countries offering residency by investment programs have visa free access to 180+ countries.

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I am Zubair Zain, a Tourism & Hospitaliaty Graduate who choose to be an immigration writer with experience across diverse domains. My Area of experties include residency by investment, citizenship by investment, golden visa programs, dual nationliaty, digital nomad visa and investment opportunities. With 12 years of experience, I've helped readers to get latest knowledge to understand what's going on in Immigration world.

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